Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Guest Youth Blogger: Damein

This week we have a real treat for you! Our guest youth blogger, Damein, is going to teach you how to make a cute, upcycled Duct Tape Purse.

“Wow, the Halo Foundation really did it! They made me a Junior Intern. Since I’ve become a junior intern I’ve had a lot of jobs, like helping with the developing of fashion accessories and products to sell, And posting to the Halo Youth blog.  The internship helps me learn to become a better employee and leader.

Instructions for Duct Tape Purse:
1.First cut 20 strips of 10 inch duct tape (same tape color or different)
2.Next, lay 10 strips out in a row next to each other
3. tape down across all the ends
4. begin to weave opposite tape strips up and down in and out of strips of tape that are taped down.
5.when you are done weaving, lay tape across other ends to secure woven strips
6.then place tape on both left and right side to secure woven tape in place
7.then pull up all your tape very carefully and wrap sticky side of tape around the outside perimeter
8.then fold your woven tape in half and tape both left and right sides
9. then cut a piece of duct tape 20 inches and fold in half, attach to the inside corners to make a strap!

All Done, you now have a super cute recycled/upcycled fashion accessory!

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