Wednesday, March 26, 2014

HALO Youth Soar With Accountability Kites

All month, HALO youth explored accountability during our short-term art workshops. Last week, HALO youth created kites illustrating a personal goal and then added ways they can hold themselves accountable to the goal. We love seeing each youth’s artistic style blossom during the workshop. It was inspiring to learn about the youth’s goals and we can not wait to see them soar to great heights in the future!

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One youth sets a goal to "be good to my mom."
One youth sets a goal to "be good to my mom."

A colorful kite.
A colorful kite.

We love the accountability steps on this kite.
Another youth sets important accountability steps for his goal.

We love this young artist's creative kite.
We love this young artist's creative kite.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

HALO Youth Participate In Creative Writing Workshop

HALO youth had the opportunity to participate in a Creative Writing Workshop last month thanks to folk artists and motivational speakers Linda McRae and James Whitmire. Linda and James were visiting Kansas City for the Folk Music Festival and were interested in hosting a special workshop for HALO youth. The workshop kicked off with a performance and then the youth began writing based off prompts. The HALO youth never seize to amaze us! Check out their heartfelt, funny, and brilliant writings below.
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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Long-Term Workshop Spotlight: Cosmetology

Last week, the HALO Long-Term Cosmetology Workshop with The Paul Mitchell School concluded with an exciting photo shoot directed by HALO youth. HALO youth had the opportunity to practice the various skills they developed during the workshop as they styled their own photo shoots. HALO youth had a blast trying new hairstyles, applying makeup, and posing in front of the camera. We loved seeing all the smiling faces during the photo shoot! Endless thanks to all the volunteers from Paul Mitchell who taught the HALO youth valuable skills while creating a fun and welcoming atmosphere at the workshops. 
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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

HALO Youth Create Dreamcatchers

We are welcoming March with open arms here at the HALO Learning Center. The HALO youth are focusing on accountability this month while completing their art projects. We are enjoying learning how the youth define accountability. As one intelligent youth said, “Accountability is about keeping your promises.” To kick off the month, HALO youth made dreamcatchers this week. Each dreamcatcher featured a goal the youth is aiming for and the steps they will take to hold themselves accountable for the goal. We enjoyed watching the youth create the dreamcatchers and hope they are a friendly reminder of accountability.

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