Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Comediennes, Cast Parties, and Inner Beauty

From behind pink makeshift curtains in the Sankofa Room at Operation Breakthrough, the audience could hear nervous giggles and playful teasing.  The six giggly young actresses, all Operation Breakthrough youth, had gone through an acting workshop facilitated by The HALO Learning Center during the spring and they were anxiously awaiting their first stage debut.  It was a full house, with younger children sitting on the floor near the stage and beaming parents tucked into the back of the room with their video cameras.  The excitement in the room was palpable… and we were sure in for a treat!   

The play we were about to watch, “Darla and the Hair-Doo, Re-doo,” was a comedy written by Alli Jordan and directed by Olivia Marshall that provided the children on stage and in the audience with a positive message about inner beauty through hilarious dialogue.  Despite a few giggle-inducing hiccups, the young ladies had the audience rolling with laughter only minutes after the play began!  It was absolutely amazing to watch them apply the acting skills that they learned during the Introduction to Acting and Play Production Workshop to the real stage.  No matter what obstacles they encountered during their performance, they persevered with smiles and awesome attitudes that won the audience over time and time again. 

After watching their amazing performance, The HALO Learning Center was SO proud of our budding actresses!  The HALO Learning Center Blog even went behind the scenes at the cast party in order to interview some of the hilarious and ever-smiling stars: Alesia, Destiny, Alissa, and Mi’kyiah!

1.    What was your favorite part about the Introduction to Acting and Play Production Workshop?
Alesia: My favorite part was when we got to act [on stage] because everyone laughed!
Destiny: When we had to talk and walk like old ladies [during a workshop session] to work on our laughing skills.
Alissa: When we had to get the vinegar [from backstage during the play] and everyone laughed because we were being silly.
Mi’kyiah: My favorite was when we just started the play and when we all met.

2.    What did you love most about performing for an audience?
Alesia: My favorite part was when they laughed and liked my personality.
Destiny: I loved when we got to perform and they laughed at our jokes.
Alissa: I liked when Mi’kyiah said “MOOOMMM!” [Alissa’s character was the mother] and I went back on the stage but we both fell and started laughing.
Mi’kyiah: It was great when I jumped out [from behind the curtains in her sparkly purple wig] and everyone started laughing. 

3.    What was the hardest part about acting?
Alesia: The hardest part was when we had to memorize the parts and get into character.
Destiny: The hardest part was to memorize all of my lines!
Alissa:  The hardest part was when I forgot to bring all of the props onto the stage.
Mi’kyiah:  The hardest part was paying attention to all of the words on the paper and following along.

4.    What was the biggest lesson you learned?
Alesia: The biggest lesson that I learned was that there is a time to play and a time to not play and get focused.
Destiny: The biggest lesson was how not to be shy.
Alissa:  I learned not to laugh [when I’m supposed to be serious] and to not be shy.
Mi’kyiah: The biggest lesson that I learned was to remember my lines!

5.    What are you most excited about for this summer?
Alesia:  I’m excited to swim, to go out of town, and to go to the reading program and read FORTY BOOKS! [all of the girls giggle and say “And she will read all those books!”]
Destiny:  SWIMMING!
Alissa:  I’m excited for swimming, sleeveless shirts, everything!
Mi’kyiah:  I like that every time we wake up it gets hotter.

Sounds like another successful workshop to us! 

Are you interested in watching the next HALO Learning Center performance? Come to the Fashion Show in August to watch the ladies and gentlemen of our new Improv Comedy workshop perform!   We’re so pleased that even more Operation Breakthrough youth will be partnering with us for this new summer workshop!

-Written by Kacie Lundy, HALO Center Intern

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